Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Embodiments of Divine Love, God is complete love incarnate. This Love shines equally in every human being. The fragrance of a flower remains the same, whether it is held in the right hand or the left. Likewise, God has no distinctions, such as the favoured and excluded. Different persons, proceeding from their own likes and dislikes, attribute to the Divine, the differences existing in their own minds. The sandalwood tree imparts its fragrance, even to the axe that fells it. Likewise, God is ever prepared to love, foster and protect everyone equally without any distinction..


If you continue to imitate other cultures, your innate strength and purity will gradually diminish. Therefore, do not imitate others. For example a lion attacks an animal only when it is hungry. It does not go about killing every animal that comes across. Even a wild beast like the lion has the capacity to restrain itself. Limitless ego, anger and desire will only lead you astray. You have to divert your mind from such a situation and follow the noble path, so that you do not cause harm to others nor do you suffer in the process. Do not utilize your strength and power indiscriminately. You see the modern children enjoying unrestrained freedom. Freedom no doubt is good and permissible, but should be within a limit. Only then it acquires value. Trying to amass wealth and being over-smart will only lead you to a danger


What is the purpose of human birth? It is not merely to eat, drink and make merry. Paropakarartham Idam Shariram (human body is meant to serve others). Man should dedicate himself to the service of society. God has endowed man with all powers. But, he is bound by the senses, which lead him to both good and evil ways. Hence, it is the foremost duty of man to make proper use of the senses. One who lacks sense control is worse than an animal. Firstly, one should get rid of one's animal qualities. Only then, can one rise to the level of the Divine.


The Supreme Lord is the prompter of the activity and the dispenser of the consequence. He is beyond the intellect. Like the spokes of a wheel that radiate from the hub, that leads from all directions towards the centre, all creation radiates from Him. To reach the central hub and to know that all spokes radiate from it, the mind is the instrument. Brahmam (The Supreme Lord) is the target to be reached by the arrow of the mind. Have your mind fixed on the target. Using the knowledge of the Upanishads (ancient Indian scriptures) as the bow, shoot straight and hard to reach your goal. Train the mind with single pointed attention to meditate on Him, to worship Him in your heart. Let Him be the central hub to which all nerves from all directions in your body look up to. If this process is followed, you can realize the Glory of the Lord within you.



God is omnipresent, though at times He incarnates in one form at one place. God is only one. He is not two, though people refer to Him by different names and forms. "Ekam Sath, Viprah Bahudhah Vadhanti" (Truth is One, but wise refer to it by various names). It is only our illusion that we ascribe different names to God like Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, etc. The Sun is only one, and it appears in different parts of the world at different times. It may be 9:00 a.m. in India but it is night time in the USA. So also, the same one God dwells in different people in different forms. Since your perceptions are different, you ascribe different names and different forms. Always realize that God is present every where, in every country and in every individual. He is Omnipresent


Progress in devotion or meditation means the attainment of concentration. Never lose the sight of the Divine Form which you have pictured for yourself. Don't allow the mind to wander on distractions. Be convinced that the distractions of sight and sound are designed to scatter your attention away from the Divine Form. Be on your guard, do not be deluded and never forget the auspicious form. Picture in yourself the Divine Lord, in whom is immersed all creation. What you will experience and when depends upon His Grace. Your mission is to practice one-pointed concentration on Him. It does not depend upon the length of time, or the number of births you have taken. Some may realize the goal even in a few days. It completely depends upon your dedication, devotion and relentless practice. The time cannot be calculated or reasoned out. It is all His Grace.
- Sandeha Nivarini


Man is the storehouse of every mineral, metal and energy that the earth contains. He has in him electric, magnetic and several other forms of energy. Sadly, man does not realise this. There is the enormous strength of Divinity latent in him that enables him to do anything that he sets his mind on. Man's many achievements are mere glimpses of the great potential that is latent in him. All he needs is to have the will and the determination to realise this strength and potential.


Education should be divorced from jobs. Its purpose should be the acquisition of Vijnana (the highest knowledge). That is the concept upheld by Bharathiya Culture. Students will become ideal citizens of the nation only when they develop self-confidence and the feeling of spiritual oneness. Develop the spirit of sacrifice and become defenders of the nation's integrity and honour. You must strive to promote the welfare of society. Eschew ideas of "me" and "mine". You will then become one with the Divine. When you identify yourself with all, you can derive infinite joy.


Even an ounce of experience is useful than a ton of learning! Many people lecture hours after hours things that are learn by rote. Can one become great by merely the length or the beauty of the lectures? That is like vomiting a swallowed meal. Give up this talk about others being bad or wrong. Develop your faith and devotion. Strengthen your discipline to meditate on the Lord and engage yourself in beneficial deeds. Speak only what will bring good. Worship the Lord, keep Him ever in your memory. If you are immersed in these, you will not worry at all about the right and wrong of others.
- Sandeha Nivarini


They (great people) will have no craving for wealth. They will neither love those who praise them nor hate those who blame them. They will not prevent their disciples from approaching them and will not prohibit anyone from approaching them. They will look upon all with equal love. They will not relish the defamation of others. They will not be vengeful against those who point out to them their own mistakes and wrongs. They will always spread Truth, Right Action, Peace and Love. They will ever yearn for the joy, welfare and progress of others.
- Sandeha Nivarini


Today man does not enquire as to what is his Gamyam (goal of life). Instead of trying to know the goal of life, he is worrying about his Janmam (worldly life). Even animals and insects are concerned about their worldly existence. You should strive to attain Atmic bliss right from a young age. That should be your only endeavour. Your thoughts, words and deeds should be aimed at this. Worldly experiences, however long one may enjoy them, cannot confer eternal bliss. You can experience eternal bliss only in the company of God. All the worldly activities and experiences are bound to change. The Atma alone is changeless.


If all is eaten at the same time, the food will not be digested. It would lead to bad health. What we have eaten requires time to get digested and assimilated. Similarly, what is heard should be understood and put in practice. Take time to digest and practice what you internalized. Placing your burden on Destiny and keeping quiet means diminution of effort. Without effort and prayer, Destiny and Grace cannot be attained. Start the effort! With effort and prayer, Destiny can be attained.
- Sandeha Nivarini.


Goodness, compassion, tolerance – through these virtues one can perceive the Divinity in oneself and in others. Softness of heart is often condemned as weakness, cowardice and want of intelligence; they say that the heart has to be hardened against pity and charity, but that way lies war, destruction and downfall. Love alone confers lasting happiness and peace. Sharing can alone reduce grief and multiply joy. People are born to share, to serve, to give and not to grab.


There is no greater Sadhana (spiritual exercise) than service. Service is the principle means for acquiring divine grace. Without being a devoted follower, you cannot become a worthy leader. If you are not willing to do work, you cannot attain divinity. Each one has to realize this truth. Service to society is the highest good. It is Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence that give happiness. These are the five principles that sustain life. Under no circumstances should these principles be given up. Render service to society with these principles in your mind, and with broad-minded dedication to the well-being of all.


" When once Brahma asked the sage Narada, what was the most amazing thing he noticed on earth, Narada replied, ' the most amazing thing I saw was this : the dying are weeping over the dead '. Those who are themselves nearing death every moment are weeping over those who have died; as if their weeping has any effect, either to revive the dead or prevent their own death ! Brahma asked him to tell another, Narada said; ' Another amazing thing is : Every one fears the consequence of sin, but, goes on sinning nevertheless ! Everyone craves for the consequence of punya (meritorious acts), but everyone is reluctant to do any meritorious acts !


Role is HIS

Divine Discourse, Sandeha Nivarini.

If you are able to divest yourselves of desire when you are doing work, no impurity can touch you. Do you know the "Chilliginja" seeds when dropped into muddy water have the power of separating the dirt and depositing itself at the bottom? The seeds sink to the bottom and slip out of sight. In the same way, those who are experts in doing karma without attachment will have their minds perfectly cleansed and the results of their acts will lose effectiveness and sink to the bottom.

Divine Discourse, Upanishad Vahini

Human beings are essentially Divine. However, one believes oneself to be an individual, limited and temporary. They are entangled in the characteristics of the five elements, namely sound, touch, form, taste and smell. This error brings about joy and grief, good and bad, birth and death. To escape from this association with the elements, to rid oneself of the pulls of their characteristics is the sign of liberation. It is also called in Sanskrit as Kaivalya, Moksha or Mukthi. Names may change, but the achievement is the same.-

Divine Discourse, Nov 14, 1976

Do not seek to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will tarnish your own mind. When you are engaged in searching for the faults and the failings of others, you are paving the way for developing those faults and failings in yourself. Dwell on the good in others, and in time, it will prove to be an asset to you. The goodness latent in you shall then be urged to sprout and blossom.- .